Category: Agents for Change
Keeping Refugee Children in School
One Woman’s Life-Saving Maternity Care
One woman’s mission: bringing care to women in a country whose medical facilities, already scarce, were destroyed by years of civil war. […]
Breaking the Taboo
Special correspondent Fred de Sam Lazaro has the story of one man who has made it his mission to bring affordable hygiene products to women in India. […]
Creating Ethical Entrepreneurs
Ashesi University has embarked on an experiment which its founder hopes will fundamentally change the entire continent. […]
A ‘Brilliant’ Life
Larry Brilliant jokes that he doesn’t live up to his last name, but he has lived a remarkable life, from his early days in the San Francisco hippie scene, to his work as one of the world’s leading disease fighters who helped eradicate smallpox. Special correspondent Fred de Sam Lazaro sits down with Brilliant to look back at his career and current work identifying today’s global threats. […]